Major Bleeding First Aid Module 640063

SKU: 640063




This module is the replacement product for the Major Bleeding module in St John’s Workplace Modular First Aid kit (640060) for an economical price.

1 x 1181 Triangular Bandage 110 x 110cm

3 x 2025 Gauze Swabs 7.5cm x 7.5cm x 5
1 x 2060 Combine Dressing 10cm x 20cm
1 x 2090 Wound Dressing No. 14
1 x 2091 Wound Dressing No. 15
1 x 2130 Non-adherent Dressing 10cm x 10cm
1 x 3010 Scissors Medical 12.5cm SS Sharp/Blunt
1 x 305402L Gloves Nitrile Large pair (disposable)
1 x 3080 Emergency Accident Blanket
1 x 4070 Bag resealable small 10cm x 18cm
1 x 4080 Bag resealable medium 15cm x 23cm
1 x 4090 Bag resealable large 23cm x 30cm
2 x 5111 Saline Steritube 15mL

Contents subject to change